## docs.python.org/fr
Julien Palard
WriteTheDocs Paris 2019
## Julien Palard - Python core dev and documentation expert - Python teacher and coach at: - Sup'Internet - CRI-Paris - Makina Corpus - … --- ![](french.python.png) ---- - Python is 28 years old, - its doc is written in reStructuredText, - compiled in HTML, PDF, epub, txt using Sphinx, - more than one million words, - daily changes. Notes: 28 years old as of 2019 (first release 1991). More than "daily" for 3.7 stable: 170 commits on Doc/ over 120 days. ---
## History - 2000: Project frpython on sourceforge - 2001: Translating Python 2.0 - 2007: Python Doc moves from Latex to Sphinx & rst - 2010: GSoC Project to add i18n to Sphinx - 2011: 2% translated on pottle.python.org - 2012: pottle dead, AFPy team migrates to github - 2015-12: Resurected the project, alone for one year - 2016-03: docs.python.org/fr/ on python-ideas. - 2017-03: PEP 545 Notes: 2000: Latex to Latex, scripté en Python 1.5.2 (populaire à l'époque) 2007: Hello Sphinx, created for Python by Georg Brandl, now used by many like Linux Kernel 2012: Few people contributed during a month, and left for two years. 2015: Alone for one year https://lists.afpy.org/mailman/private/afpy-membres/2012-September/005747.html http://frpython.sourceforge.net/ ----
## 2000 ![](sourceforge.png) Notes: https://web.archive.org/web/20010302160925/http://sourceforge.net/projects/frpython ----
## 2001 ![](2.0.png) Notes: http://quentel.pierre.free.fr/python-trad/intro.html ----
## 2012 ![](pottle.png) ----
## 2019 ![](docs.python.org.png) ----
## Progression ![](fr_translation_percent.png) Notes: - 2016 jan: very short untranslatable strings - 2016 june: autofill whatsnew.po - 2017: PEP 545 ---
## How do we work? Mandatory meet point is: `github.com/python/python-docs-*` But every language can use their own tools as long as they push on the meet point. ----
## How do we work? - Some are using Transifex (ja, zh, pt_BR, ko, ...) - Some are using git (fr, it, es) - One could use any other tool… Notes: The french fries team (fr,it,es) is using git. ----
## How do we work, in France? github and pull requests ![](prs.png) ----
## How do we work, in France? It allows us to review and give feedback ![](support.png) ----
## But git is hard! Yes. Note: But it looks like it's the mandatory way to contribute to most open source projects. We want to make the translation a way to learn how to contribute to an open source project. It's like a git sandbox :) Also it allows offline work that a lot of us do (in the train). ---
## Tools How do we cope with: - Around 500 ``.po`` files, - more than one million words, - 45k paragraphs, - french in reStructuredText in gettext imbrication? ``` #: ../Doc/library/stdtypes.rst:373 msgid "the greatest :class:`~numbers.Integral` <= *x*" msgstr "le plus grand :class:`~numbers.Integral` <= *x*" ``` ----
## Tools ### pypi.org/p/pospell ``pospell`` is a tool using hunspell to spell check inside a ``.po`` file while ignoring reStructuredText syntax. ----
## Tools ### pypi.org/p/powrap ``powrap`` is a tool using ``msgcat`` to rewrap all ``.po`` files to a fixed width of 79 columns. We're enforcing this wrapping via the CI to reduce the noise in git logs. ----
## Tools ### pypi.org/p/potodo ``potodo`` helps us listing what still needs to be done in this mess of 500 files. It also synchroniszes with github issues to tell if someone is already working on a file, avoiding conflicts. ----
## Tools ### pypi.org/p/pomerge ``pomerge`` helps us propagating translations from a branch to another, from a repo to another, or simply from a file to another. ----
## Tools ### poautofill ``poautofill`` uses automatic translation to translate a whole file. This is bad from so many aspects, but it just helps me to avoid spending time trying to remember some vocabulary when I'm offline. ---
## Et après ? Venez nous aider : - Sur github.com/python/python-docs-fr - Aux ateliers mensuels (meetup AFPy Paris) - Au sprint (2 jours) à La PyCon Fr à Bordeaux à partir du 31 oct 2019.